From PoringCityRO Wiki
For convenience, we have enabled some commands for players to use.
Available Player Commands
Command | Description |
@commands | Displays a list of commands that you can use. |
@rates | Displays the server's current rates. |
@mobinfo | Shows monster info (stats, exp, drops etc). |
@iteminfo | Shows item info (type, price etc). |
@whodrops | Shows who drops an item (monster with highest drop rates). |
@time | Shows the date and time of the server. |
@hominfo / @homstats | Displays homunculus stats in different formats. |
@whereis | Displays the maps in which monster normally spawns. |
@refresh | Synchronizes the player's position on the client with the one stored on the server. |
@noask | Toggles automatic rejection of deals and invites. |
@noks | Toggles Kill Steal Protection. |
@alootid | Starts or stops autolooting a specified item. |
@autoloottype | Starts or stops autolooting a specified item type. |
@autotrade | Allows you continue vending offline, then logs off. |
@request | Sends a message to all connected GMs (via the GM whisper system). |
@afk | Allows a character to be online while logging off the account. |
Some commands will require parameters to work. In order to learn how to use these commands, simply type the commands supplying arguments and hit enter. This will show the players the arguments needed for the commands to work.